
Lit please tell me why
Lit please tell me why

lit please tell me why

See Custom directives for more information. In addition, all expressions can accept directives, which are special functions that customize the way an expression is processed and rendered. Generally all expressions accept primitive values like strings and numbers, and some expressions support additional value types. Valid values for expressions differ based on where the expression occurs. Expressions inside the element's content, where child nodes go, render child nodes or text. Expressions inside the element tag itself affect the element. In a Lit component, this means whenever the render method is called.Įxpressions can only be placed in specific locations in the template, and how an expression is interpreted depends on where it appears. The expression is evaluated when the template is evaluated, and the result of the expression is included when the template renders. An expression can be any JavaScript expression. Lit templates can include dynamic values called expressions. Arrays or iterables of any of the supported types.

Lit please tell me why